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Paper Menus Suck!

Let's face it, Paper Menus have been around for a long time and are the the default option that every restaurant uses but that doesn't mean they don't suck because they do!

- They don't provide enough information to your dishes

- They don't excite your guests

- They don't educate guests on your beverage program

- They don't allow you to hide out of stock items

- They don't allow you to update prices in seconds

- They don't allow you convert your menu to different languages

They don't reduce your labor.

- and They don't let you highlight upcoming events or catering services

They DON'T allow you do to do so many things and thats why they SUCK!

But you know what doesn't suck.... eMenus interactive menus. Good for small or large restaurants, regardless of cuisine and level of dining.....these menus DO NOT SUCK! - eMenu will provide your guests an understanding of your dishes through professional photography and videos. - eMenu will excite your guests for whats to come - eMenu will educate your guests on your beverage program by highlight bottles and tasting notes. Yummy!!! - eMenu will allow you to hide out of stock items or change prices in seconds without the need to reprint your menus - eMenu will convert your menus to different languages.. Bellissimo! - eMenu will enable you to reduce labor - eMenu will highlight upcoming events or any other services you offer eMenu WILL do what paper menus can't ............because....... PAPER MENUS SUCK! Now, we don't want your restaurant to suck.. So go ahead and contact us today to try eMenu for a 90 days no commitment trial period #PaperMenusSuck

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